Alsa Lye artwork - Please keep to the pathways for your own safety
Elsa Lye artwork, Up the Opotoru Inlet
Elsa Lye artwork with Still Life theme

Elsa (MFA hons) is a multidisciplinary award-winning artist. She is inspired by the powerful restlessness of the West coast and paints in her studio when the weather is wicked. While her clay sculptures often relate to human environments and concerns.

Her work is in private collections and The Waikato Museum of Art and History. Elsa also exhibits at the Raglan Arts Weekend.

Elsa invites you to ring 027 600 6336 to view her work and garden.

Artist Studio/Gallery: 46 Bow St. Raglan

Elsa Lye, Raglan artist
Elsa Lye artwork, Twirl With Me
Elsa Lye, Pathways Home, 2023